To preface, this is a rough draft of an English class assignment that was submitted as is. While not intended, there will be mistakes or subject material corrected by the due date of the final draft. Consider this unfinished until then.
Going over Paglia’s ‘from Sex and Violence, or Nature and Art’, its clear that the author intends to convey that modern liberalism advocates for conflicting ideas and policies, and by proxy modern feminism. To reject social conformity and order, but in the same vein inflate the powers and strength of the Federal Government to act on its behalf. An opinion which is fair and sound on the surface but misses a crucial aspect of the opposition to her boogie man. The American right-wing often advocates for the rejection of a ‘perceived’ social order and injustice, only to want an over inflated government keen on breaking the 4th amendment of the Constitution. To give police broad reaching powers to suppress, harass or arrest political opponents, recreational drug users, or the otherwise non-Anglo-Saxon demographics of the nation. On a consistent basis, the American right-wing often demands that a child stand for the pledge of allegiance to the flag before morning classes begin yet are often ones that lust for violence against the government for giving those same children a free meal; often wistfully mourning the collapse of a treacherous rebellion that formed and fought to preserve the institution of slavery while yelling excuses about states rights. Paglia states that modern liberalism defines government as a tyrant father but demands it behaves as a nurturant mother but ignores the opposition’s view that the tyrant father should act as the convicted, creepy uncle that everybody avoids during family gatherings. As previously mentioned, her argument sounds for a black and white issue but fails to consider that life is more like a tapestry with vibrant colors and hues. What works for one aspect of life will not work for everything. To create a work of art, an artist will add and subtract colors as necessary to fill in or fix details that don’t mesh with the broader work. Much like a government that is supposed to work for its citizens, change is often necessary to tackle new or ongoing issues. Since corporations and private businesses alike pay large sums of money on legal counsel to work on skirting existing laws. What may have been a victory at the time, does not conclude the whole war for control. Thus, giving the government broader powers to tackle pressing issues to benefit the populace or exert justice is necessary.
Paglia’s main ideas boil down that modern Liberalism and by proxy modern Feminism is contradictory & humanity is a hierarchical species by nature. Paglia relates those two main ideas by weaving in a societal concept and how they operate on the grand, national scale. By outlining a grassroot movement’s attempt at exacting change to a society’s structure, Paglia is saying that they’re working to break down a human’s nature to instill a social hierarchy and order, which will just inevitably create a power vacuum to eventually be filled back up.
Given Paglia’s political leanings of libertarianism, her use of the words: hierarchies, societies, freedom, and liberation make sense in this excerpt. She reflects her world views in this piece by highlighting one group’s methods of exacting change and suggests that it’s a fool’s errand to be fighting human nature. The irony is palpable however since that the concept of libertarianism typically revolves around the notion of reducing the size and power of the Federal Government; a goal that is antithetical to her own words of hierarchies and order. Were the Federal Government to take on a more subtle existence, other forms of powers would attempt to exert control over the populace. Corporations with the moral compass of a sociopath would go on to govern their ‘employees’ according to what’s best for the company. Two days off are an unproductive two days for the company. Criminalizing child labor is a shortage of a cheap, expendable workforce; the children yearn for the mines. Minimum wage cuts into company profits, we’d rather pay starvation wages so the Chief Executive Officer can afford his 3rd golden crusted dildo with gyrating electronics. If the Federal Government doesn’t handle it, then don’t expect states to do right by their people when local politicians are lining their pockets with blood money. Time and again, the role of the Federal government has grown from the useless Articles of Confederation to being a global superpower. The changes to the government didn’t happen on a whim, but broader power was given to the federal government to tackle emerging issues that are too big for the state or local government to deal with. FEMA exists to tackle emergencies that happen domestically and are well utilized by state leaderships that love to criticize the federal government for being too big. Texas Senator Raphael himself loves to bash on the federal for giving other states money to deal with emergencies but will suckle Uncle Sam’s Teets dry as much as he legally can and head off to Cancun for a surprise vacation.
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